Monday, November 11
8 am – 5 pm
Don’t forget to purchase your raffle tickets to support the FIAE Scholarship Fund!
5 pm – 7 pm
Welcome Reception
Dinner On Your Own, but plenty of food/drink if you prefer to stay in!
Generously sponsored by
Tuesday, November 12
7 am - Noon
7:30 am
Hearty Breakfast Buffet
9:00 am – 10 am
General Session
Moderated by Julie Miro Wenger, Executive Director, Delaware Food Industry Council
Uptown Ballroom
Welcome to Texas
John McCord, Texas Retailers Association
“The Power of Beauty”
Jennifer Lawson, President & CEO, Keep America Beautiful
Beauty is said to be only skin deep. But there’s increasing evidence that beauty—especially natural beauty—can be a powerful force for social change, delivering economic, health, and safety benefits. In her talk, Jenny Lawson, President and CEO of Keep America Beautiful, will discuss new research showing a correlation between beauty and reductions in crime and gun violence. She’ll share emerging data on the connection between trees and better heart health. She’ll take a look at why sad movies make us happy, how flowers make us more compassionate, and the evolutionary advantages humans enjoy because we can appreciate a beautiful sunset.
“Filling Those Hard to Fill Positions”
Kurt VandeMotter, Founder, Linked Executive Search
Not only do organizations need to innovate to stay competitive, but they also need to find the right people—those who will drive that innovation forward. Finding talent to fill key roles can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. From specialized technical expertise to leadership roles, many of the most crucial roles in our industry remain the hardest to fill. With 30 years of experience navigating talent shortages, Kurt has developed innovative approaches that go beyond traditional recruiting methods. His insights have helped businesses transform their talent search from a frustrating challenge into a strategic advantage.
10:00 – 10:30 am
Refreshment Break
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
General Session, continued
“RePACtivate - Looking Ahead to the ‘26 Cycle”
Kelly Knowles, AllCourt Public Affairs
With the 2024 election season coming to a close, it’s time to take assessment of your organization’s political engagement program and plan for the ‘25-26 cycle. Kelly will share specific strategies and tactical steps to advance and promote your organization's political visibility, influence and drive overall success.
“Sustainability to Trade”
Meredith Connor, Senior Sustainability Analyst, Ferrero USA
The conversation around sustainability continues to increase amongst consumers, government, and industry. Brand owners and retailers are feeling increased pressure to talk about their sustainability initiatives and find collaborative ways to reach their mutual goals. Meredith Connor will discuss the framework that Ferrero has implemented to help them engage with retailers on their sustainability goals. Learn about how Ferrero collected data on retailer sustainability inquiries, developed a strategy to help their sales team communicate about sustainability, and opened up dialogues with retailers.
“Succession Planning”
Kurt VandeMotter, Founder, Linked Executive Search
Having a plan to identify and develop future leaders is key to maintaining stability, innovation, and growth in this ever-evolving food industry. Kurt has helped numerous organizations prepare for the future. With deep experience in organizational leadership, human resources, and strategic planning, ensuring a seamless process that supports both the people and the business, he will share insights on how effective succession planning can not only secure the future of a company but also help foster a culture of development and resilience in this competitive and evolving association/ food industry.
“US Economic Conditions and Outlook”
Tyler Atkinson, Business Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
The presentation will provide an overview of conditions in the labor market and inflation in relation to the Federal Reserve’s dual-mandate goals of full employment and price stability, as well as growth in economic output and financial conditions. An outlook for what forecasters expect in the years ahead will be discussed.
12:30 pm – 2 pm
“Election Update”
Chris Perkins, Partner, Ragnar Research
Generously sponsored by
2 pm – 3:30 pm
Government Relations Roundtable
(for all attendees)
Uptown Ballroom
Moderated by Dave Davis, President & Chief Legal Officer, Utah Food Industry Association
**Evening Free**
Wednesday, November 13
7:45 am
Continental Breakfast Buffet
9:00 am – 12pm
General Session
Uptown Ballroom
Moderated by Jennifer Gardner, Director of State Government Affairs, National Confectioners Association
9:00 - 10:00 am
“AI in Action: Putting the Pieces Together”
Beth Ziesenis, My Nerdy Best Friend
This fall FIAE members have been learning about AI from Beth Z. For the grand finale, Beth Z is back at our annual convention to top off our AI education, share the VERY latest and VERY greatest tools and tips, and discuss where FIAE members can go from here when it comes to using AI to make our lives easier.
10:00 am -10:30 am
Refreshment Break
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
General Session, continued
"Building Coalitions and Finding Your Allies:
How to Get the Attention of a New Generation of Staffers"
Olivia Lucanie, Manager, Torrey Advisory Group
As we enter a new year with a new administration, Congress, and state officials, the importance of finding allies both in your industry and in government is as important as ever. Staff turnover is high, with younger generations now filling in a high percentage of roles on the Hill and in statehouses. Olivia Lucanie will discuss best practices for forming coalitions, engaging with new members, and how to educate and get the attention of a new generation of staff.
“States Go Their Own Way: the Attack on Ingredients”
Sarah Gallo, Senior Vice President Product Policy & Federal Affairs
Consumer Brands Association
Last year’s adoption of California AB 418 prohibiting Brominated Vegetable Oil, Potassium Bromate, Propylparaben and Red Dye 3 inspired attempts to pass similar bans in state legislatures across the United States, putting federally approved additives and ingredients in focus for industry and consumers. As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeks to build both pre- and post-market capacities, manufacturers and retailers are facing the threat of a patchwork of state regulations and bans. Compliance and reformulation could become time-consuming and complex. Learn more about what is motivating states to act, how the FDA is responding and the kind of coalition that will be needed to maintain a science and risk-based regulatory system.
“Throw Out Your Social Media Playbook. Just Play.”
Shannon Horner, Senior VP & Executive Director of Digital Strategy, Golin
Trends change every day in social media, but what remains consistent is the flexibility, agility and fun of engaging in the conversation. In this presentation, Jim Lin will share key trends across organic social and the top ways for brands to win.
12 Noon - 1:30 pm
Presentation of CBA Excellence in Government Award
FIAE Annual Membership Meeting
Generously sponsored by
1:30 pm- 3:00 pm
State Executive Roundtable (Closed Session)
Metropolitan Ballroom
Moderated by Linda Doherty, President & CEO, New Jersey Food Council
6:30 pm
Piano Bar, Reception and Dinner
featuring Chase Tucker
Raffle Drawings benefiting the Scholarship Fund